Closing Program:
All Countries
Please NOTE: When you RSVP for a program, you will receive a confirmation email but you will not receive the link to the screening website and the discount code until the day the screening period starts!
Brief discussions following each program compare and contrast the films and the topics with special discussants:
Discussants to be announced!
Featuring video messages from the directors!
All films are subtitled in English, unless otherwise noted.
Andava tutto bene (We were good together)
Italy, 14 min.
Director: Paolo Fulvio Mazzacane
Erika and Matteo are no longer happy together. The lockdown has exhausted them, as a couple and as individuals. In an attempt to save their relationship, they decide to see a psychologist. But confiding and opening up brings some unexpected consequences...
Creative Evolution (創造的進化)
Japan, 2019, 5 min.
Director: Song Yungsung
Where do I come from? What am I? Where am I going? Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? Life keeps traveling across the universe.
#ExtraordinaryHeroes: Together Against Corona
Germany, 2020, 5 min.
From gaming all day and eating cold ravioli out of the can, to lying on the couch watching TV and ordering pizza, to eating fried chicken in bed – for many people, being a “hero” during the pandemic has meant doing their part to stop the spread in some way or another.
Pancake Jackson
China, 2016, 11 min.
Director: Tang Tao
A father sells pancakes on the street for a living. He has been practicing Michael Jackson’s dance to connect with his daughter who has autism.
The Philippines, 4 min.
Director: Steven Evangelio
Mask4Mask is a story about falling in love in the midst of a pandemic, as two boys wait for their first date.
Applesauce (Apfelmus)
Austria, 6 min.
Director: Alexander Gratzer
Just like many humans started to question the meaning of life in these uncertain times, animals in Applesauce carry on philosophical discussions about important existential issues.
One Small Step (Un Pequeño Paso)
Spain, 2019, 3 min.
Director: Nacho Garvía y Jorge Moratal
Space exploration is always a great leap into the unknown.
The Conch (소라)
Korea, 2019, 8 min.
Directors: Sebin Park Sebin Park, Youjin Jeong, Eunjin Tak
Just like the conch, each of us must grow, constructing an intricate shell of memories.
ESMA: Alone, A Wolf’s Winter
France, 2020, 6 min.
Director: Rebecca Belle, Gaël Bourdeu, Victor Dumur, Damien Grellety, Carla Humbert, Bérénice Lefevre, Clara Malleviale, Marine Vilcot
A young wolf banished from his pack; is confronted with the harshness of a solitary life. In the end, he will have to put himself in danger to save his wolfpack.
The Man Who Sold the World
Indonesia, 28 min.
Director: Dior Octrianto Pamungkas
Guntur or Gepeng, has been a Street Dancer for quiet some time, having a dream and mission to conserve Kethek Ogleng dance that has been forgotten. In order to accomplish his dream, Guntur is not alone.
Grab My Hand: A Letter to My Dad
USA, 2021, 5 min.
Directors: Camrus Johnson & Pedro Piccinni
In this retelling of his dad's relationship with his best friend, Grab My Hand is Camrus Johnson's gift to his grieving father and a message to all to cherish every second you have with the ones you love while you still can.
